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- S. L. Sterling
Fireside Love Page 2
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Page 2
I stared up at the ceiling. "It is my weekend off, yes, and you have no need to worry. I won't bother you in the slightest. I plan on sleeping my entire weekend away. Besides, you aren't even going to be here, so I don't see how I will be any bother to you at all. Isn't this the weekend that you and Phil are heading up to the cottage?" I asked, silently praying that I was for sure going to have the house to myself.
Addie leaned against the wall and shook her head. "No. Unfortunately, Phil’s rotation was changed, and now he is on call at the hospital, so we have to stay here."
"I see. Well, I promise you won't even know I am here." I closed my eyes and placed my arm back over them, blocking out the light to try and rid myself of the horrible headache I had.
I blew out a deep breath. "Yeah?"
"I hate to ask, but would it be okay if you were to head to the cottage this weekend? I mean, you could use the quiet. You say you need the rest."
"Addie, please, I am good right here." It was clear that getting some rest right now wasn't going to happen, so I propped a pillow up behind my head and looked at my sister.
"I know. It’s just… I thought maybe you could use some time in nature. It may help you reset."
"It may, but seriously, I am good here. I have food, a TV, there are a few movie marathons on this weekend. So, I'm going to nurse this headache, and then I'm just gonna chill."
Addie sat there looking at me as if she didn't want to say what was on her mind. She was up to something. I just wished she would come out and say it instead of dancing around the subject.
"Why are you trying to get rid of me?" I questioned.
"Well, I told Phil he could stay here for the weekend. It's closer to the hospital than his place. We had been planning a romantic weekend together, and it’s been ruined, so I figured I'd just bring it here. I guess I just didn't think you would want to be here when..."
"All right," I said, holding my hands up for her to stop. "No need to continue. I'll get out," I said, sitting up and winking at my sister. I certainly didn't want to be here to listen to the goings on of their bedroom life, which led me again to start thinking that it was time I got my own place. There'd be no way in hell I would be able to bring a girl here, not with her bedroom butting up against mine.
The phone rang, and Addie tore off down the hall, while I got up and grabbed a duffel bag from the closet and began to pack my clothes. Forty-five minutes later, I emerged from my bedroom freshly showered, dressed in jeans and a button-down white flannel shirt. It would probably take me a good hour to get there with the weather outside, and I wanted to get on the road.
I walked into the kitchen and found Addie placing the last of the food into a cooler. "What's all this?" I opened the cupboard where we kept the first-aid kit and shook two headache tablets into my hand, popped them in my mouth, and downed a glass of water.
"I made you a care package. Figured since I am the one kicking you out, the least I could do was make sure you had food for the weekend. You've got everything you are going to need. Dinner tonight, breakfast items, stuff for lunch. I even put your favorite beer in there," she said, grinning at me. "Oh and a bottle of this." She held up a bottle.
"Thanks, but you didn't need to go to any trouble. I could just eat down at the main lodge, or better yet go to that little breakfast place in that little town that I used to love," I mumbled as I pulled out the bottle she had packed and read the name. Cupcake Vineyards Moscato.
"Oh, the one Laura never wanted to go to?" Addie said nonchalantly.
I frowned, not saying anything as I put the bottle back into the box.
"What is it?" she asked.
"Nothing. Nothing at all." I'd asked Addie numerous times to never to mention Laura to me. I knew it had been a slip of the tongue, and I didn't want to make her feel bad, so I just let the comment slide.
"Well, here you go," she said, pushing the box towards me. "Just drive careful, and I will see you on Monday."
"Yep." I grabbed the cooler and box of food, threw my duffel bag over my shoulder, and walked down the back porch to my car.
Music blared over the radio as I drove up the road to the entrance of Serenity Lake. I still couldn't believe that Addie had just offered me the entire weekend up at the cottage. I knew she and Phil had been planning this weekend for a while. It was their anniversary, and part of me felt guilty for accepting it, even though I knew she couldn't attend.
I slowed down as I approached the entrance to a newly built hotel on Serenity Lake. My stomach flipped with excitement. The place had changed a lot since I had been there last. I pulled the car in front of the hotel and cut the engine. I looked up at the stone building. I remembered coming up here to the cottage with Addie's family when we were younger, long before this hotel was built. I remembered seeing all the Christmas lights that each cottage owner had strung around their properties, some adjoining them together through the trees and around the lake. I looked around and the same feeling presented itself. I glanced off to the left where a huge bonfire was burning. People were scattered around the fire, relaxing on Adirondack chairs.
I climbed out of the car, locked the doors, and approached the front door to the main lodge. There was a long line of people waiting to be checked in at the front desk. I glanced around. Not only was it beautiful in here but cozy too. Couples sat in large, over-sized leather chairs around a huge stone fireplace. It would be a perfect place to read the book I brought, I thought to myself.
I glanced at my watch. I knew Addie had booked me an appointment at the spa, and if I waited in this line to check in for my appointment, I would be late. I glanced around the lobby and spotted the sign for Serenity Cove and headed in that direction.
I was welcomed at the desk with a glass of cucumber water and led to the changing room where I slipped into a plush white bathrobe, monogrammed with SC on the pocket. I was then directed to go and relax in a beautiful solarium with a view of the lake. I had barely sat down in the reclining chair when I was brought a hot chamomile tea. The view of the snow-covered landscape combined with the music and warm tea had me fully relaxed from my drive by the time Shawn had come to get me. Addie had been right. He was extremely easy on the eyes, I thought as I followed him down the hall to his treatment room.
I lay on the massage table with my eyes closed, while Shawn massaged all the tension away from my back and shoulders, digging into every knotted muscle he could find. Addie hadn't been lying when she mentioned he had amazing hands. He spent time working on every aching muscle in my body, and I felt like Jell-O when he was finished. He left the room, and I lay on the table in the dim light for a few minutes, allowing myself to come back down.
Feeling refreshed and relaxed, I left the spa and went out to my car. I started heading down the road towards the cottage and spotted a restaurant off to my left. I pulled in and smiled. The Country Winds Pub was still here. I shut the car off and headed inside. Once seated, I placed an order for a hamburger and fries to go. I was eager just to get to the cottage and continue relaxing with some food and a bottle of wine.
Another twenty minutes down the road, I finally approached the cabin. It was tucked away on the opposite side of the lake from that new hotel and was nestled back in off the road surrounded by trees. It was a cute rustic cabin from the outside, and I hurried to grab my bag, food, and make my way inside. I pushed the door open and glanced inside. It looked exactly how I remembered it. I set my food on the table and took my bag into the bedroom, placing it on the king-sized bed, and sat down to test out the soft mattress. I was looking forward to sinking my body into it tonight.
I looked around the room and saw a tray on the bedside table I hadn't noticed when I first walked in. A little A-frame card with the words "Our Compliments" written on it. I knew Addie owned part of this time-share and wondered if the hotel staff was the ones who looked after it. I sat up and sifted through the items that were in the basket. I picked up a pu
rple box and opened it, sliding out a sealed bag.
"The Womanizer," I read out loud. "30 mins worth of pleasure. This could come in useful," I said, giggling before throwing it down on the table and moving to the next box. I opened it and a bottle of lavender-scented massage oil fell into my hands. The next box contained a bottle of warming lubricant, and the last box contained ten condoms. Too bad I wouldn't be needing these this weekend, I thought, piling everything back into the basket. Addie had a bit of a dirty side to her, I chuckled to myself. Bet she forgot that she had requested these be here.
I wandered back into the living room, turned on the gas fireplace that was across from the couch, and flipped on the TV for some background noise. The little kitchenette had everything I would need for the weekend, I thought as I opened the cupboards, seeing they were fully stocked with dishes. I poked my head into the last room and spotted a huge Jacuzzi tub, something I definitely planned on climbing into before the weekend was over. My apartment only had a shower, so it was rare I got to soak in a tub of hot water. I slipped my shoes off and sank my socked feet into the plush carpet and opened a window just a crack to air the place out.
Pulling a wine glass from the cupboard, I went in search of the bottles of wine I had shoved into my bag of clothes. Grabbing all three, I placed two of them into the cold fridge and opened one, pouring myself a glass. I had just spread the spare blanket that rested on the back of the couch on the floor and slid the coffee table out of the way. Then I placed my burger and fries into the microwave and set it to reheat.
I went into the bedroom and quickly changed out of my clothes and into a T-shirt and panties. I had nothing to do tonight now but relax, I thought as I pulled my food from the microwave, took it into the living room, and plunked down onto the floor.
After I ate, I dialed Addie's number. I wanted her to know I had arrived safely and thank her for the wonderful massage. Her phone rang several times. I was just about to hang up when she answered.
"Hey. Everything okay?" she questioned. I should have known she would be worried, since I didn't call her when I first arrived as promised.
"Yep, I just wanted to let you know I made it, and I am safe."
"Oh great. How was Shawn?"
"My God, you were so right. He has AMAZING hands. When did they build that gorgeous hotel?" I lay down on the floor and stared up at the ceiling.
"About eight months ago. Beautiful isn't it. I am so glad you are all relaxed."
"I am. I completely forgot what it felt like to be completely relaxed. My body feels like Jell-O." I giggled.
"It's amazing isn't it."
"It so is. I even stopped in at the Country Winds Pub. I was so surprised it was still there."
"Yep, still there and as good as ever."
"Oh, and it was very thoughtful of you to leave me the welcome basket in the bedroom. It really is too bad that I don't have anyone to share it with."
I heard Addie gasp and did my best not to laugh out loud.
"Oh my God, I am so embarrassed. I forgot all about it," Addie cried into the phone. "Don't mention anything to Phil. It was supposed to be a surprise."
All I could do was laugh. At first, it had been embarrassing finding it, but now that I'd had wine and could hear Addie's reaction, it was just funny.
"Adding a little kink into the bedroom, were you, Addie?" I blushed at my own comment.
Addie let out a laugh. "How much wine have you had?"
"Just a bottle or so. I'm fine."
"All right, well, you enjoy your night. I’m glad you got there safely."
"You enjoy your night too. Although I am the one with the basket of goodies." I hiccupped. "Oh, and don't do anything I wouldn't do with Phil." As soon as the words left my lips, I knew that wasn't how I meant them to come out. "I mean, not what I would do with Phil. Just anything I wouldn't do with him." I giggled and was surprised when I hiccupped again, which caused me to laugh even more.
"Oh my, you enjoy your wine, Kristy." Addie let out a laugh. "You might want to stop soon."
"I will. Oh where can I get some groceries? I will need food."
"There is a little grocer about a five-minute drive from the entrance to the hotel. Go tomorrow," Addie said.
"I plan on it. I'm not going anywhere tonight. I have no pants on. They probably have one of those signs: no pants no service." I giggled.
"Oh my God, girl, get a grip on yourself." Addie laughed. "You need to get away more often."
"You know what I need?"
"Dare I ask?"
"What I need is a big strapping man to take care of all my troubles. That is what I need. A man who isn't afraid to pound me into the mattress. A man who won't sink his tongue into another woman when I am five floors below him," I said as I ran my finger around the rim of the wine glass that sat on the table in front of me, tears coming to my eyes. "You know, someone who makes me feel like a woman and treats me the way I am supposed to be treated."
"I swear, if you break out in song right now, I'm hanging up."
I heard Phil in the background calling to Addie. "Guess I'll let you go. Have fun."
"I'll talk to you Monday." We said our good-byes and hung up.
I poured myself another glass of wine, emptying the bottle into my glass. I wiped away the stray tears and reached behind me, grabbing the pillows off the couch, situating them perfectly behind me and curling one under my head. I got up and locked the door, shutting the window I had opened, and grabbed the other spare blanket from the bed. I lay down on the floor and covered myself up and began watching TV.
I stopped at the light just on the outskirts of our neighborhood. The second the light turned green, and I pulled through the intersection and turned into the parking lot of the local coffee shop. If I was going to make this drive tonight, I was going to need a jolt of caffeine to wake me up.
It only took a couple of minutes before a large, hot coffee sat in the cup holder and I was pulling back out onto the snow-covered street. I wondered what had caused Addie to hand over the cottage for the weekend. She and Phil had been planning this trip for months now and had to book the time-share almost a year in advance. She had begged him to wait until winter as she'd always wanted to spend time up in the mountains with snow on the ground. I really hoped I hadn't somehow upset her and that she was telling me the truth when she had said that he was on call for the weekend. I hoped that I hadn't overstayed my welcome. Eighteen months was a long time to live with your brother. Truthfully, I had been there longer than I had even originally planned, but how was I supposed to know how long it would take me to get over everything that had happened?
I was driving through town heading towards the highway when the car in front of me jammed on their brakes. I swore under my breath and broke hard, my tires sliding. I did everything I could to avoid hitting the backend of their car. As we started up again, a funny feeling came over me. I was at the intersection of Jackson and Mackenzie. The dreaded intersection that I had managed to avoid for the entire year and a half, until today. Today, I had somehow managed to be here twice.
While I sat waiting for the light to change, my mind floated to that dreaded night that had been permanently ingrained into my memory.
I was at the station, packing up my bag, getting ready for the end of my four-day stint. I was excited to be heading home, looking forward to spending time with my wife, when a call came over the radio. I glanced at the clock. It was ten. Another couple of hours and we would be in the clear. Instead, the bell rang out. I dropped everything, and we all got suited up and piled into the truck.
"There's been an accident at the intersection of Jackson and Mackenzie. Sounds to be head-on, one car flipped, one person pinned in their car. Unknown injuries. Probable drunk driver," Greg said as we loaded into the big rig.
With sirens blaring, the truck raced across the city. Minutes later
, we were there, and the guys unloaded one by one. Since I had been one of the first on the truck at the station, I was one of the last guys off the truck. I had just put my foot on the pavement when I heard our captain yell something about “get him back in the truck.” I turned around just as Greg made his way over to me, and my heart literally stopped at the scene in front of me.
"Austin, come on, man, get back in the truck," Greg said, fighting to try and force me to turn around. "You don't need to see this."
"Laura...No, no, no, no," was all I could get out before I lunged onto the scene, pushing Greg out of the way. I ran in the direction of the blue Mazda that was wrapped around a pole.
Greg tried again to stop me, grabbing at my coat, two of the other guys grabbing me by the arms, but I pushed through them all. "Let him go," I heard the captain say from behind me.
I ran to the car. There in the front seat with her head resting against the steering wheel was my wife, Laura. The airbag hadn't deployed. The second I put my hand on her, she opened her eyes. I could tell she didn't know where she was. Her gaze was one I'll never forget. She looked at me, murmuring, "I'm sorry."
A horn blaring from behind pulled me out of my memory and I glanced up, noticing the light had turned green. Not knowing how long I had been sitting there, I swallowed hard and accelerated through the intersection, pulling onto the highway. I took a sip of my hot coffee, turned up the radio, and focused on the road ahead, but soon that memory overtook me again.
I wanted her out of that car. I had to get her out of that car. I pulled on the door, but it wouldn't budge. Instead, I knelt at the side of her mangled car, reached in, and brushed away her blood-soaked hair from her face, trying to keep her calm, while the guys did their best to figure out how they were going to get her out. All she kept mumbling to me was, “I'm sorry.” I had no idea what she meant by that, and at the moment I didn't care. I just sat there doing my best not to lose my shit while I tried to comfort her.