The Malone Brothers Boxed Set Read online

Page 13

  I got up from my chair and lay down on the couch in my office. Today was the last day of work before we shut down for Christmas, and normally we all came in early, so we could leave as early as possible. I placed my arm over my eyes. My head was pounding, and the tension in my back and shoulders was killing me.

  “Hunter? What are you doing here already?”

  I looked up to see Carter standing in my doorway. So much for peace and quiet. I sat up but said nothing.


  I wasn’t a weak man by any means, but this whole situation was bringing me to my knees. I put my head in my hands.

  “Come with me.”

  I got up off the couch and followed Carter down the hall to his office. “Take a seat.” He placed his briefcase on the floor and hung his coat up. He headed out and came back with two steaming cups of coffee, handing me one.

  “Now, talk to me. What is going on?”

  “Fuck, Carter, it’s a mess. She’s pregnant.”

  The look on Carter’s face almost scared me. “Jocelyn? It is yours?”

  “No, fuck, Autumn. She’s pregnant, and this one is for sure mine.”

  “It’s okay, Hunter.”

  “It’s not. She told me early this morning and left the condo mumbling that she shouldn’t have told me, and she didn’t want to be a disappointment to me. Now she won’t answer my calls, nothing. She could never be a disappointment to me.”

  “Did you tell her that?”

  “If I had been given the chance I would have, but she practically bolted from the place before I could even grasp what she had told me. I know that those words have something to with her ex—that asshole, Jason—the one that created the scene at the party the other night.”

  Carter walked around to his desk and turned on his computer. “First thing is first, her address.”

  “15 Logan Circle.”

  Carter started typing on his computer.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Clearly, my brother is a mess and has totally forgotten how to win back a woman, so I am starting off by sending her flowers. That is the first step. Give me your credit card.”

  “I just sent her fucking flowers. This is going to take more than flowers.”

  “Credit card.” He just sat there staring at me until I pulled out my wallet and handed him my card.

  As soon as he was finished with the purchase, he sat back and looked at me. “What exactly did Jason say to her the other night?”

  “It wasn’t what he said to her, but more what he said to me. He basically said that I should wash my hands of her.”

  Carter sat for a minute, thinking about what I had just said. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but what the hell. He’s pissed me off, acting out like that. He hired me for their divorce. It was back before we had this firm, so she probably hasn’t put two and two together yet.”

  “I kind of guessed that. You are the best family lawyer in town.”

  “I don’t know how much you know about their separation, but he wanted her to have everything. I thought it was rather strange at first. Most people fight for whatever they can get. Not him, he was very clear in his direction: just give her everything.”

  I sat, frowning, waiting for my brother to continue.

  “The day I gave him his bill, he got up and closed my office door. He wanted to know if he could confide in me. Of course, I nodded. After all, he was a client. He asked that what I was about to tell him stay between us and the four walls, no matter what. That was when he told me the real reason for the divorce and the reason behind giving up everything.”

  “Why did he leave her?” My heart went into my throat.

  “He’d been having an affair with her best friend for the entire duration of their relationship, including the time they dated. When she lost the baby and headed into depression, I guess things got bad between them. She didn’t want much to do with him, and he started spending more time with her friend. People had started to notice—everyone but Autumn. He wanted an out. Her best friend was pregnant with his baby, and they were very much in love. When Autumn was starting to get better, I guess she started asking him why he was never around. He just blamed work, saying that they were working on large projects that required his time. To keep her from figuring things out, he came to me and had the papers drawn up. He gave her everything because he figured it was easier for her. That way, there would be no reason to fight to keep anything, and given her recent state, she would more than likely just sign. Sure enough, within a month of receiving the divorce papers, she signed. He had his out, and she was none the wiser.”

  I sat in shock. This poor woman had been traumatized by this douche—made to believe that she wouldn’t be any good to anyone because of what had happened.

  “Now, he is working with Chase on a bunch of stuff for his new business. So, he is still a client of this firm, Hunter.”

  “No-not anymore! Tell Chase to sever the relationship.”

  “We can’t do that.”

  I slammed my fist down on his desk. “We can, and we will. If I see Jason step foot in here again, I won’t be held responsible for what I may do or say. So, it’s best, given the circumstances, that this firm severs all ties with him.”

  Carter thought for a moment. He would be in deep shit if this guy found out he had broken client confidentiality. “All right, Hunter, you’re right. I will have Chase immediately end things with him after the new year.”

  “No, he will sever this relationship this morning.”

  “Okay, this morning.”

  I got up to head back to my office. I wanted to try to call Autumn again before we opened the doors. “Hunter?”

  I turned back to face my brother.

  “Everything will be okay. You’ll see.”

  I sat behind my desk, filing away the last piece of paper before I headed out for the day. It was five, and like usual, I was the last one here. Carter had gone home to be with Hope and the girls, and Chase and Bryce were headed out of town to see the women that they had met down south. Me? I was headed home to an empty condo. Carter had invited me to dinner again, but I thought it best just to go home. I didn’t feel like being around anyone, but I had assured him I would be at his place bright and early on Christmas morning. Grabbing my coat and briefcase, I locked my office door and was headed down the hall when my phone rang.

  I prayed it would be Autumn and answered quickly. She should have gotten the delivery by now.


  “It’s Derek. You called? Sorry, I’ve been in meetings all day. What’s up?”

  “Hey, Derek, you able to meet me for a drink somewhere?”

  “Yeah, I’m still in the city. Let me call Evelyn and let her know I’ll be late. How about we meet at Joe’s Place in twenty?”

  “Sounds good. See you soon.”

  I had been sitting in a booth at the back of the bar for almost twenty minutes, when Derek finally walked in. Traffic was heavy out there with it being only two days until Christmas, so it wasn’t a surprise that he was late. He stopped at the bar before heading back to where I was seated.

  “Just ordered us a Scotch.” He sat down across from me after taking his coat off.


  “What’s going on?”

  “Derek, I have something I want to ask you, so I’m just going to get straight to the point. Plus, I’m sure you want to get home.”

  “Okay, shoot.”

  “It’s about Autumn. What happened with her marriage? She’s given me little snippets, but not the full story. After what happened at the party the other night, I just want to know the whole truth.”

  “Geez, Hunter, I’m not sure I should say anything. It’s not really my place.”

  “Derek, you’re my best friend. I need your help, please. I’m begging you.”

  “What’s going on, Hunter? You don’t normally beg for anything.” He laughed.

  I took a deep breath as the waitress dr
opped off our drinks and smiled. I drank down the amber liquid and nodded at the waitress for another two to be delivered. As soon as she walked away, I mumbled, “Yes, I am begging you because she won’t let me help her.”

  “It’s not going to matter what I say, Hunter. That’s Autumn. She is very stubborn, and she won’t take help from anyone. I’m honestly surprised she has let Evelyn and me help her as much as she has.”

  “She’s carrying my baby, Derek, so whatever you know, you’ve got to tell me.” I continued telling him about what happened with her the night before at my condo. Derek picked up his glass and sipped his Scotch. He met my gaze as he put his glass down on the table, the look on his face saying it all. “So, please, tell me.”

  Derek sat there pondering for a minute, deciding whether or not to tell me. I was sure he was afraid Evelyn would have him by the balls if she found out he told me. Taking a deep breath, he began, “All right, but fuck, you didn’t hear it from me. They’d been married a couple years. They tried basically right away to have a baby, but they had trouble conceiving at first. Jason wasn’t a patient man, so that put more stress on her. Finally, after about a year, she finally got pregnant, but three months into her pregnancy, she ended up losing the baby. This put a tremendous strain on their relationship, even more when they were told that the chances of her being able to conceive were nil. She became severely depressed after finding out that news. She went on medical leave, barely getting out of bed most weeks. Jason, he just buried himself in work, or at least that’s what he claimed. Personally, I think he was buried in someone else, but that’s just my opinion. Anyway, soon their relationship began to suffer. She always felt as if he blamed her for what happened. One morning, he came downstairs to breakfast and dropped the bomb that he wanted a divorce. She had nothing left in her to fight. Basically, she asked me to read over the documents, and when I gave her the go, she signed. It took her about six months after the divorce before she sold everything and finally moved in with us.”

  “Fuck me, what a dick. So, his behavior the other night wasn’t out of character then?”

  “Not really. What was he even doing there?”

  “I found out today that Carter was hired to do his divorce papers before we had the firm. He hired him back when he was working for that other family law firm. That’s probably why you never put the two together. He’s now hired Chase to do some contract work for him. Well, up until today anyway.”

  “Did Jason sever the contract with him after the other night?”

  “No, I forced Chase to sever the relationship with him.”


  “Carter shared a little tidbit of information that he technically shouldn’t have, and I told him that I wanted the firm to have nothing to do with Jason, especially after the display the other night.”

  “What did he tell you?”

  “It’s not good, Derek.”

  “Doesn’t surprise me, to be honest.”

  “I believe Autumn should know the truth. I just have to figure out how to tell her. He confided in Carter. Apparently, from the time they got together, Jason was screwing around with Autumn’s best friend. When things got hot and heavy between the two of them, he wanted out and didn’t know how to tell Autumn, so the loss of the baby was the perfect time and excuse to get out. He used that as a reason to leave her and made her believe that it was because she could no longer have children.”

  “To be honest with you, Hunter, none of this really surprises me.”

  I looked at Derek and finished the third glass of Scotch that had been delivered to the table.

  “Why is that?”

  “I figured he was always putting on a show for the family. I had seen him around the city with a few other women shortly before and after she got pregnant. At one point, I pulled him aside and mentioned it to him, but he said they were just business lunches. He doesn’t know that I was at a restaurant for lunch one day and he was there with another woman. After watching them for a while, I determined it wasn’t business—let’s put it that way.”

  “Was it her friend?”

  “No, some woman I’d never seen before.”

  “Does Autumn not speak with her friend anymore?”

  “When they divorced, Autumn basically shut everyone out of her life except for Evelyn and me. She stopped doing anything with anyone. She was a shell of the person she once was when she moved in, and to be honest, the first time I have seen the real Autumn in the last two or three years was after she met you. You’re good for her; she just needs to realize it.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything about what you had seen that day at lunch?”

  “I mentioned it to Evelyn, but she said I must have been mistaken, that Jason wouldn’t do that.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything to Autumn directly?”

  “I should have, but shortly after I saw him, she lost the baby and then with the divorce, I just figured it was best to let sleeping dogs lie. If I had told her, it would have crushed her more to add that information into the mix. She really thought he was her everything. If you had seen the way she crumbled when she pulled up to the house the day she moved in, you would have wanted to do whatever you could have to protect her too.”

  “No doubt.”

  “Now, she at least hates him, which is a far cry from how she felt when she first came to stay with us. It might be easier for her to hear that truth now if you really think she should.”

  “I just don’t like that she thinks the whole relationship breakdown is her fault, because it isn’t. He was never truly dedicated to her. She needs to know the truth.”

  Derek called over to the waitress for a couple more drinks. “I couldn’t agree with you more, Hunter.”



  I sat in the living room wrapped in a blanket with Christmas movies on TV. I had barely been paying attention to anything going on in the movie; I was exhausted. I hadn’t slept all night. I hadn’t returned home right away. I wanted to make sure both Evelyn and Derek were already gone for work before I returned. When I got home, I had tried to get some rest, but the same images played through my mind like a bad movie. First, it was the look on his face after I had told him I was pregnant—the fact that he said absolutely nothing but sat up and pulled away from me after he found out. There had been no need for me to stay there. I now knew how he felt, so I threw on my clothes, boots, and coat and ran from his condo, not even giving him a minute to be able to digest the information, let alone say anything. Running was something I had become very good at doing when things got even the slightest bit tough. I had placed a call to Dr. Plante, but he still hadn’t returned my call. I couldn’t blame him. It was Christmastime, after all.

  I got up off the couch and headed toward the kitchen to make a cup of tea when the doorbell rang. I was greeted by the same delivery man who had brought the roses the other day. He was carrying a large vase of stargazer lilies mixed with deep pink roses, baby’s breath, and greenery. Attached to the side of the vase were two teddy bears. It was so beautiful. “Autumn?”


  “I have a delivery for you. Two deliveries for you in a rather short time? Someone must find you really special.”

  I smiled as he handed the vase to me; he nodded and wished me a good day. I carried the flowers inside and placed them on the kitchen table. I had just found a card neatly tucked inside the flowers with my name sprawled on it, not that I had to guess who they were from. Just as I went to open it, Evelyn came through the kitchen door carrying a pile of grocery bags. “Autumn! You’re home! Great! Can you help me bring in the rest of the bags, please? Derek’s going to be late.”

  I set the envelope down onto the table, slipped my shoes on, and headed out the door to bring in the last of the bags.

  “What did you do? Buy out the entire grocery store? It’s only the three of us for Christmas dinner!” I asked as I came through the back door, my arms full of bags.

did these come from?” Evelyn asked, ignoring my question. She was standing in front of the flowers, looking them over, as I dropped the last of the bags onto the floor.

  “I was just about to open the envelope when you came in.” I walked over and picked up the little notecard.


  “Hunter sent them.”

  “I see. They are beautiful. You guys have a fight?”

  I decided at that moment to just tell her. “No, we didn’t have a fight. I’ve decided not to see him anymore.”

  “What? Why on earth not?”

  I could tell from the tone of her voice that she wasn’t impressed with me. Marching over, she ripped the card from my hand and read it.

  “So, you did have an argument. It obviously couldn’t have been that bad. You were just there last night, for goodness’ sake. Autumn, this man is good for you. Both Derek and I have seen changes in you for the better. Give the man a chance, and for the love of God, stop making him spend outrageous amounts of money on flowers for you.”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  I heard nothing, not even the sharp inhale of her breath. As I turned to face her, her eyes locked on me.

  “You heard me, Evelyn. It’s not Hunter’s fault. It’s mine.”

  “But I thought…”

  “Yes, so did I, so you can imagine my shock when I found out. But the doctor has confirmed it, and I for once am choosing to look after it myself. He didn’t ask for this. And if the same thing happens like before, he won’t have to deal with the hurt. I couldn’t protect Jason from this, but I can protect Hunter.”

  “Autumn, why are you doing this? You’re going to need him. That baby is going to need him.”

  “What am I going to need, Evelyn—another man to pick up the pieces after things go south, just to destroy our relationship in the process? No, thank you, I’m not going to be responsible for another broken relationship after another failed pregnancy.” My eyes were burning, and I could feel the tears begin to fall. I took a deep breath and was about to lash out at her again when Derek came walking through the back door.